Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happiness / Unhappiness (Osho quote)

There are no outside causes for happiness or unhappiness; they are just excuses. By and by, one comes to realise that it is something inside you that goes on changing, and that it has nothing to do with outside circumstances. It is something inside you, a wheel inside you, that goes on moving.
Just watch it... and it is very beautiful, because in being aware of it, something has been attained. Now you understand that you are free from outside excuses, because nothing has happened on the outside and yet your mood has changed within a few minutes from happiness to unhappiness.

This means that happiness and unhappiness are your moods and don't depend on the outside. This is one of the most basic things to be realised, because then much can be done. So the first thing to do is to realise that moods are not dependent on outside circumstances. The second thing to understand is that they depend on your unawareness. So just watch and become aware. If happiness is there, just watch it and don't become identified with it. When unhappiness is there, again just watch.

It is just like morning and evening. In the morning you watch and enjoy the rising sun. When the sun sets and darkness descends, that too you watch and enjoy.

Don't use these words 'happiness' and 'unhappiness', because they carry judgements. Simply watch without judging... this mood 'A', and this mood 'B', mm? do you follow? 'A' mood has gone, now 'B' mood is here, and you are simply a watcher. Suddenly you will realise that when you call happiness 'A', it is not so happy, and when you call unhappiness 'B', it is not so unhappy. Just by calling the moods A and B, a distance is created.

When you say 'happiness', much is implied in the word. You are saying you want to cling to it, that you don't want it to go. When you say 'unhappy', you are not just using a word; much is implied in it. You are saying that you don't want it, that it should not be there. All these things are said unconsciously.

Just be a watcher... as if you are sitting on top of the hill, and in the valley clouds and sunrises and sunsets come... sometimes it is day and sometimes night, mm? Just be a watcher on the hill far away.
Osho, from the book "Above All Don't Wobble"

The deep stillness within each one of us remains unmoved by outer circumstances of cause & effect, good & bad, right & wrong. Just watch & surrender to the issness of this moment, in whatever it brings. This is the timeless art of Zazen. To remain unmoved by all things at your circumference while your awareness resides within, the silent & still pool of consciousness.


g said...

but what happens if we go too far, become numb, nothing moves us, nothing makes a difference....

Wayne said...

"Everything we do is a quest for happiness." We have been conditioned & accustomed to listening to our little, greedy minds to tell us where happiness can be found and then to provide us with strategies to get to that happiness.

If we can allow ourselves to recognize the fact that NONE of our past strategies have brought us that "promised" happiness, we can give up the search for "outside" happiness.

As to your hypothetical question on "what will motivate me to move through my life?"...You can never know the power and intelligence that moves and acts from the silent center of your Being until you fully grasp that the mind has been misleading you all your life...it is a pathological liar... When that becomes clear, you will act from your authetic Self, and no longer from the crazy monkey of mind.

In my own life experience, I go back and forth between these two. I am still learning to see clearly as well. My own crazy monkey is still quite active at times.

My best advice is to give up all tendency you have to either hold on or run away from anything you experience...and just let it be as it is.

g said...

go see The lives of Others

(by now you should trust my suggestions)